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Remnant cholesterol ups GDM risk in pregnant women
Remnant cholesterol ups GDM risk in pregnant women
29 Oct 2023

Increased levels of remnant cholesterol (RC) appear to elevate the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), independent of traditional risk factors, suggests a study. Moreover, pregnant women with high prepregnancy body mass index (BMI), high triglyceride (TG), and high RC levels are at greater GDM risk.

Remnant cholesterol ups GDM risk in pregnant women
29 Oct 2023
Postpartum depression more common in pregnant women with rheumatic disease
Postpartum depression more common in pregnant women with rheumatic disease
19 Oct 2023
COVID-19 vaccination possibly linked to menstrual abnormalities
COVID-19 vaccination possibly linked to menstrual abnormalities
14 Oct 2023