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Canagliflozin holds promise against MAFLD in T2D patients
Canagliflozin holds promise against MAFLD in T2D patients
27 Oct 2023 byStephen Padilla

Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) who received canagliflozin benefit from improved liver biochemistry and metabolism, a recent study has shown. In addition, treatment with canagliflozin appears to confer positive effects on liver fibrosis.

Canagliflozin holds promise against MAFLD in T2D patients
27 Oct 2023
High red meat consumption increases risks of CVD and diabetes
High red meat consumption increases risks of CVD and diabetes
27 Oct 2023
Oral health checks integral to diabetes management
Oral health checks integral to diabetes management
24 Oct 2023
Roflumilast serves up weight-loss benefit for patients with psoriasis
Roflumilast serves up weight-loss benefit for patients with psoriasis
20 Oct 2023
Newly diagnosed T2D linked to earlier CVD events
Newly diagnosed T2D linked to earlier CVD events
20 Oct 2023

A new diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (T2D) raises the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) development within 10 years in both men and women and across age groups, particularly among younger patients, reveals a recent study.

Newly diagnosed T2D linked to earlier CVD events
20 Oct 2023