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Lirentelimab shows promise in treatment-resistant chronic urticaria
Lirentelimab shows promise in treatment-resistant chronic urticaria
14 May 2022

In patients who suffer from antihistamine-resistant chronic urticaria (CU), lirentelimab seems to be effective at controlling the disease and reducing disease activity, reports a recent study.

Lirentelimab shows promise in treatment-resistant chronic urticaria
14 May 2022
Depression, anxiety aggravated in vitiligo patients
Depression, anxiety aggravated in vitiligo patients
14 May 2022

Vitiligo patients suffer from greater levels of depression and anxiety, both of which appear to be associated with serum levels of corticotropin releasing hormone, reveals a recent study.

Depression, anxiety aggravated in vitiligo patients
14 May 2022
SWOG S1616 suggests PFS benefit with ipi-nivo combo in metastatic/unresectable melanoma
SWOG S1616 suggests PFS benefit with ipi-nivo combo in metastatic/unresectable melanoma
12 May 2022
Higher BMI ups risk of developing psoriasis
Higher BMI ups risk of developing psoriasis
04 May 2022

Body mass index (BMI) appears to contribute to the development of psoriasis, according to a study, which notes a graded association between BMI and risk of psoriasis.

Higher BMI ups risk of developing psoriasis
04 May 2022