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Diet with hyperinsulinaemic potential ups risk of breast cancer
Diet with hyperinsulinaemic potential ups risk of breast cancer
15 Jan 2023
Etanercept biosimilar demonstrates long-term safety, efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis
Etanercept biosimilar demonstrates long-term safety, efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis
14 Jan 2023

YLB113, a biosimilar of the reference product etanercept, appears to be safe for long-term treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, with efficacy sustained for up to 96 weeks, according to a study. Notably, the biosimilar is associated with fewer cases of injection-site reactions and injection-site erythema compared with the reference.

Etanercept biosimilar demonstrates long-term safety, efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis
14 Jan 2023