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Pandemic fuels mental distress, gastric problems in IBS patients with anxiety/depression
Pandemic fuels mental distress, gastric problems in IBS patients with anxiety/depression
08 Feb 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to self-reported increases in psychological distress and gastrointestinal symptoms among individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and comorbid anxiety and/or depression, reveals a study.

Pandemic fuels mental distress, gastric problems in IBS patients with anxiety/depression
08 Feb 2022
Anxiety during pregnancy speeds up genetic ageing in baby boys
Anxiety during pregnancy speeds up genetic ageing in baby boys
07 Feb 2022 byTristan Manalac

Prenatal maternal anxiety is correlated with markers of epigenetic age acceleration in male infants, irrespective of other genetic, socioeconomic, or obstetric risk factors, according to a recent study

Anxiety during pregnancy speeds up genetic ageing in baby boys
07 Feb 2022
Serum selenium unrelated to depression, but supplementation could prove protective
Serum selenium unrelated to depression, but supplementation could prove protective
30 Jan 2022