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Melflufen for R/R MM: Yay or nay?
In patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (R/R MM), a combination of melflufen and dexamethasone proved better than an approved doublet standard-of-care (SoC) comprising pomalidomide-dexamethasone in terms of progression-free survival (PFS), the phase III OCEAN trial has shown. However, the overall survival (OS) outcome with the melflufen-containing regimen appeared to digress from the PFS result, potentially casting doubt on its benefit for this condition.
Melflufen for R/R MM: Yay or nay?
06 May 2022Add-on favipiravir brightens outlook for hospitalized COVID-19 patients
When used in addition to standard of care, favipiravir leads to faster viral clearance and clinical improvement time among patients hospitalized with COVID-19, although it appears to contribute to an increased risk of hyperuricaemia, according to the results of a meta-analysis
Add-on favipiravir brightens outlook for hospitalized COVID-19 patients
06 May 2022Open surgery a better option than minimally invasive hysterectomy in early cervical cancer?
Undergoing a minimally invasive radical hysterectomy leads to worse survival outcomes compared with open surgery in patients with early cervical cancer, according to final results of the LACC trial presented at SGO 2022.
Open surgery a better option than minimally invasive hysterectomy in early cervical cancer?
05 May 2022Viruses causing gastroenteritis in children thrive in stools of asymptomatic carriers
The stools of asymptomatic patients carry the most common viruses that cause gastroenteritis in children and serve as a potential reservoir for acute gastroenteritis (AGE), a study has shown.