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Sugary drinks up CVD risk
Sugary drinks up CVD risk
08 Mar 2024
Severe COVID-19 rare in PrEP-treated SARDs patients
Severe COVID-19 rare in PrEP-treated SARDs patients
08 Mar 2024 byStephen Padilla

Breakthrough COVID-19 is not uncommon following pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with tixagevimab/cilgavimab among patients with systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs), reports a recent study. However, most of the infections in this high-risk population are not severe.

Severe COVID-19 rare in PrEP-treated SARDs patients
08 Mar 2024
Current treatment considerations for precision medicine: Bridging scientific data to clinical practice
Current treatment considerations for precision medicine: Bridging scientific data to clinical practice
08 Mar 2024 byProf. Jürgen Wolf

Precision medicine and tumour-agnostic approach are changing the landscape of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and many other advanced solid tumours without satisfactory standard treatments. In an industry-sponsored meeting endorsed by the Hong Kong Society of Clinical Oncology, Professor Jürgen Wolf of the Center for Integrated Oncology, University of Cologne, Germany, lead investigator of an international phase II trial that led to the approval of capmatinib for advanced NSCLC harbouring MET exon 14 (METex14) skipping mutation, discussed the importance of panel molecular testing and targeted therapy in different solid tumours, focusing in particular on advanced NSCLC with actionable driver mutations, such as MET alterations.

Current treatment considerations for precision medicine: Bridging scientific data to clinical practice
08 Mar 2024