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Infertility implicated in obesity-related reproductive cancers
Infertility implicated in obesity-related reproductive cancers
03 Mar 2023

Women with a history of infertility are more likely to develop reproductive cancers that are related to obesity, as reported in a study.

Infertility implicated in obesity-related reproductive cancers
03 Mar 2023
Final PROpel data confirm OS advantage with abiraterone plus olaparib
Final PROpel data confirm OS advantage with abiraterone plus olaparib
01 Mar 2023 byJairia Dela Cruz

The combination of olaparib plus abiraterone in the first-line treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) appears to show a consistent trend toward overall survival (OS) benefit, according to the results of the final prespecified analysis of the phase III PROpel study presented at ASCO GU 2023.

Final PROpel data confirm OS advantage with abiraterone plus olaparib
01 Mar 2023
Use of biomarkers, biologics ups success rate of clinical trials in gastric cancer
Use of biomarkers, biologics ups success rate of clinical trials in gastric cancer
01 Mar 2023

Success rates of clinical trials in gastric cancer tend to improve with the use of implementing biomarkers, receptor-targeted therapies, and biologics in clinical development, suggests a recent study.

Use of biomarkers, biologics ups success rate of clinical trials in gastric cancer
01 Mar 2023