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Glaucoma surgery linked to incidence of early endophthalmitis
Glaucoma surgery linked to incidence of early endophthalmitis
01 Feb 2024

The incidence of early endophthalmitis was higher for both glaucoma and combined cataract/glaucoma surgeries than for cataract surgery alone, reveals a study. The incidence was highest among tube shunts.

Glaucoma surgery linked to incidence of early endophthalmitis
01 Feb 2024
Social robot holds promise in autism screening
Social robot holds promise in autism screening
01 Feb 2024 byKanas Chan

A social robot named HUMANE holds promise in screening for autism by detecting children's eye gaze during storytelling sessions, researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have reported.

Social robot holds promise in autism screening
01 Feb 2024