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Adjuvant trastuzumab for HER2-positive early BC: 9 weeks or 1 year?
Adjuvant trastuzumab for HER2-positive early BC: 9 weeks or 1 year?
05 Oct 2023 byChristina Lau

For patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer (BC), 1 year of adjuvant trastuzumab remains standard of care (SoC) as noninferiority is not demonstrated for a shortened 9-week course of treatment in the final analysis of the phase III ShortHER trial. However, long-term data from the trial provide reassurance in case early discontinuation is needed in low-risk patients.

Adjuvant trastuzumab for HER2-positive early BC: 9 weeks or 1 year?
05 Oct 2023
Combination therapy with olmesartan safe, effective in advanced hypertension
Combination therapy with olmesartan safe, effective in advanced hypertension
04 Oct 2023 byStephen Padilla

Use of olmesartan in a combination therapy for advanced hypertension results in similar cardiovascular outcomes, including myocardial infarction (MI), relative to active comparators, according to a study. Additionally, there is no convincing evidence that olmesartan is harmful to patients with hypertension.

Combination therapy with olmesartan safe, effective in advanced hypertension
04 Oct 2023