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Ofatumumab boasts long-term safety in relapsing multiple sclerosis
Ofatumumab boasts long-term safety in relapsing multiple sclerosis
26 Apr 2022 byStephen Padilla

Treatment with ofatumumab in the long term (approximately 3.5 years) among patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) is well-tolerated, with no new safety risks found, according to the results of ALITHIOS, presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology.

Ofatumumab boasts long-term safety in relapsing multiple sclerosis
26 Apr 2022
Ramucirumab–paclitaxel combo works better against HER2-positive vs -negative gastric cancers
Ramucirumab–paclitaxel combo works better against HER2-positive vs -negative gastric cancers
26 Apr 2022
Once- on par with twice-daily cilostazol–Ginkgo biloba combo in peripheral arterial disease
Once- on par with twice-daily cilostazol–Ginkgo biloba combo in peripheral arterial disease
23 Apr 2022

In the treatment of ischemic symptoms associated with peripheral arterial disease, the use of once-daily SID142 appears to be as good as twice-daily Renexin while having a favourable safety profile, as shown in a phase III study.

Once- on par with twice-daily cilostazol–Ginkgo biloba combo in peripheral arterial disease
23 Apr 2022
Furmonertinib emerges as potential first-line option for EGFRm NSCLC
Furmonertinib emerges as potential first-line option for EGFRm NSCLC
22 Apr 2022 byRoshini Claire Anthony

Treatment-naïve patients with locally advanced or metastatic EGFR-mutated (EGFRm) non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) experience improved progression-free survival (PFS) when treated with furmonertinib compared with gefitinib, according to results of the phase III FURLONG study.

Furmonertinib emerges as potential first-line option for EGFRm NSCLC
22 Apr 2022