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Opioid use lowers LOS, deaths in nonmetastatic CRC patients
Opioid use lowers LOS, deaths in nonmetastatic CRC patients
09 Jan 2022

Use of opioids in the long term leads to shorter length of stay (LOS) and reduced inpatient mortality among patients hospitalized with nonmetastatic colorectal cancer (CRC), results of a study have shown. However, patients with cancer-related complications endure longer LOS and higher mortality than those admitted without such morbidities.

Opioid use lowers LOS, deaths in nonmetastatic CRC patients
09 Jan 2022
Does patient education improve influenza vaccination uptake?
Does patient education improve influenza vaccination uptake?
07 Jan 2022 byStephen Padilla

Both individualized counselling (IC) and pamphlets have improved the uptake of influenza vaccination, but IC does not appear to be superior to pamphlets alone at improving vaccine acceptance, according to a Singapore study.

Does patient education improve influenza vaccination uptake?
07 Jan 2022
Belzutifan a ray of hope for VHL-associated renal cancer?
Belzutifan a ray of hope for VHL-associated renal cancer?
07 Jan 2022 byAudrey Abella

In a phase II study, the novel oral HIF*-2α inhibitor belzutifan showed promise for individuals with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) associated with von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease, a rare autosomal dominant hereditary disease associated with benign and malignant neoplasms, including clear-cell RCC, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours, and CNS** and retinal hemangioblastomas.

Belzutifan a ray of hope for VHL-associated renal cancer?
07 Jan 2022
Does aspirin increase HF risk?
Does aspirin increase HF risk?
05 Jan 2022 byRoshini Claire Anthony

Individuals with risk factors for heart failure (HF) may have an increased risk of developing the condition if they are aspirin users, results of the HOMAGE* study showed.

Does aspirin increase HF risk?
05 Jan 2022