News & Updates

Radical prostatectomy tied to higher survival than radiotherapy in prostate cancer
Radical prostatectomy tied to higher survival than radiotherapy in prostate cancer
27 Sep 2022
Better cardiovascular health wards off dementia in older adults
Better cardiovascular health wards off dementia in older adults
27 Sep 2022
Eczema in kids: Ciclosporin induces rapid response, methotrexate affords sustained disease control
Eczema in kids: Ciclosporin induces rapid response, methotrexate affords sustained disease control
27 Sep 2022

In the treatment of children with atopic eczema, ciclosporin is linked to a more rapid response while methotrexate (MTX) is associated with sustained disease control following discontinuation, a study has found.

Eczema in kids: Ciclosporin induces rapid response, methotrexate affords sustained disease control
27 Sep 2022
Antihypertensive dosing TIME does not affect CV outcomes
Antihypertensive dosing TIME does not affect CV outcomes
26 Sep 2022 byRoshini Claire Anthony

Timing of antihypertensive medication intake, be it in the morning or evening, does not appear to affect the risk of cardiovascular death or hospitalization for non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) or non-fatal stroke, according to results of the TIME trial presented at ESC 2022.

Antihypertensive dosing TIME does not affect CV outcomes
26 Sep 2022
Mammography uptake among Malay-Muslim women low, blamed on multilevel factors
Mammography uptake among Malay-Muslim women low, blamed on multilevel factors
26 Sep 2022 byJairia Dela Cruz

Breast cancer screening behaviour among Malay-Muslim women in Singapore appears to hinge on multilevel factors that involve not only personal relationships but also their religious beliefs and screening facilities’ availability and access.

Mammography uptake among Malay-Muslim women low, blamed on multilevel factors
26 Sep 2022
Lifestyle change lowers T2D risk in women with gestational diabetes mellitus history
Lifestyle change lowers T2D risk in women with gestational diabetes mellitus history
26 Sep 2022 byStephen Padilla

Each additional optimal modifiable factor among women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) significantly contributes to a reduction in type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk, suggests a recent study. These associations are also present among individuals who are overweight/obese or are at greater genetic susceptibility to T2D.

Lifestyle change lowers T2D risk in women with gestational diabetes mellitus history
26 Sep 2022
Poor sleep quality may increase odds of erectile dysfunction
Poor sleep quality may increase odds of erectile dysfunction
26 Sep 2022

Sleep parameters are robust predictors of erectile dysfunction (ED), suggesting that poor sleep quality contributes to a greater likelihood of ED, reveals a study.

Poor sleep quality may increase odds of erectile dysfunction
26 Sep 2022