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Two-drug dolutegravir-based regimen a valid alternative for pregnant women with HIV
Two-drug dolutegravir-based regimen a valid alternative for pregnant women with HIV
07 Nov 2022 byJairia Dela Cruz

For pregnant women with HIV who are receiving dolutegravir (DTG)-based therapies, the two-drug regimen works just as well as three-drug regimens at keeping the viral load to "undetectable" levels without exerting serious adverse effects on neonatal outcomes, according to a study presented at HIV Glasgow 2022 Congress.

Two-drug dolutegravir-based regimen a valid alternative for pregnant women with HIV
07 Nov 2022
Switch to B/F/TAF sustains virologic suppression in adult PLHIV
Switch to B/F/TAF sustains virologic suppression in adult PLHIV
07 Nov 2022 byStephen Padilla

Adult people with HIV-1 (PLHIV) who switched to bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) after initially taking dolutegravir/abacavir/lamivudine (DTG/ABC/3TC) or DTG+F/TAF show a consistently high virologic suppression and have few discontinuations over 5 years of follow-up, according to a study presented at the HIV Glasgow 2022 Congress.

Switch to B/F/TAF sustains virologic suppression in adult PLHIV
07 Nov 2022
Statin use linked to reduced risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes
Statin use linked to reduced risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes
06 Nov 2022 byRoshini Claire Anthony

Patients who are on long-term statin therapy may have a reduced risk of severe COVID-19–related outcomes including mortality, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and requirement for mechanical ventilation, according to a study presented at Anesthesiology 2022.

Statin use linked to reduced risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes
06 Nov 2022
Third-dose vaccine beats tolerance in cirrhotic COVID-19 patients
Third-dose vaccine beats tolerance in cirrhotic COVID-19 patients
06 Nov 2022

A third-dose administration of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine results in a more substantial decrease in COVID-19 in patients with cirrhosis compared with the general population, according to a study. This suggests that the third dose can overcome vaccine hyporesponsiveness in this population.

Third-dose vaccine beats tolerance in cirrhotic COVID-19 patients
06 Nov 2022
Tuberculosis doubles risk of death in patients on ART
Tuberculosis doubles risk of death in patients on ART
06 Nov 2022

Coinfection of tuberculosis (TB) among people with HIV initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) aggravates the risk of death, a recent study has found.

Tuberculosis doubles risk of death in patients on ART
06 Nov 2022