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BNT162b2 prevents children from getting very sick but does not make them super immune
In the period of COVID-19 pandemic predominated by the milder yet highly transmissible Omicron variant, BNT162b2 vaccination of young children can shield them against severe infection. However, the antiviral armour afforded by this vaccine weakens over time, as reported in a recent study.
BNT162b2 prevents children from getting very sick but does not make them super immune
09 May 2022
New chemo-free triplet regimen shows promise for endometrial cancer
A triplet regimen combining the PARP inhibitor olaparib with metronomic cyclophosphamide and metformin showed favourable signals for heavily pretreated women with advanced endometrial carcinoma, the phase I/II ENDOLA study suggests.
New chemo-free triplet regimen shows promise for endometrial cancer
09 May 2022
What drives persistent distress in COVID-19 frontliners?
Frontline nurses in Singapore and Japan are at risk of prolonged psychological distress after caring for COVID-19 patients, according to a recent study. Such distress also persists in healthcare workers who have underlying medical conditions or who have dealt with an outbreak in the hospital.