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Children of mothers with AD prone to develop AD, other allergic illness
Children of mothers with AD prone to develop AD, other allergic illness
22 Feb 2024

Children whose mothers have atopic dermatitis (AD) are likely to develop the same disease, while some develop other allergic illness (OAI) first, reports a study. This suggests that not everyone will follow the same sequential pathway.

Children of mothers with AD prone to develop AD, other allergic illness
22 Feb 2024
Well-managed blood sugar through multidisciplinary care can stave off dementia in T2D patients
Well-managed blood sugar through multidisciplinary care can stave off dementia in T2D patients
21 Feb 2024
SG Framingham Risk Score needs recalibration to improve prediction accuracy
SG Framingham Risk Score needs recalibration to improve prediction accuracy
21 Feb 2024 byStephen Padilla

Current guidelines that are being used in Singapore (SG) for predicting cardiovascular disease (CVD) must be updated to improve risk prediction accuracy. This can be done by recalibrating risk functions and employing wearable metrics that provide a huge amount of objective health data, suggests a study.

SG Framingham Risk Score needs recalibration to improve prediction accuracy
21 Feb 2024
Dexmedetomidine use raises body temp in ICU patients with obesity
Dexmedetomidine use raises body temp in ICU patients with obesity
20 Feb 2024

Critically ill patients with obesity see a significant rise in their body temperature following the use of dexmedetomidine (DEX) for ongoing sedation, as shown in a recent study. Furthermore, DEX duration and baseline temperature are significantly associated with fever development in these individuals.

Dexmedetomidine use raises body temp in ICU patients with obesity
20 Feb 2024