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Dietary acrylamide compromises physical performance in knee OA
In people with knee osteoarthritis (OA) or are at high risk of such condition, dietary acrylamide seems to worsen physical performance and may potentially increase the risk of sarcopoenia, a recent study has found.
Dietary acrylamide compromises physical performance in knee OA
14 Nov 2021Statin confers cardioprotection, survival benefit for middle-aged, older diabetics
Statin reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in type 2 diabetes, and this beneficial effect is evident among middle-aged and, to a lesser extent, older patients but not among young patients, a study has found.
Statin confers cardioprotection, survival benefit for middle-aged, older diabetics
14 Nov 2021Medicine uptitration amps up RDN benefit for drug-resistant hypertension
In patients with multidrug-resistant hypertension (HTN), the blood pressure (BP)-lowering benefit of renal denervation (RDN) achieved at 2 months was amplified when a stepped-care medication escalation protocol was added between 2 and 6 months, updates from the RADIANCE-HTN TRIO trial have shown.
Medicine uptitration amps up RDN benefit for drug-resistant hypertension
14 Nov 2021Chemoimmunotherapeutic agents boost lymphocytic leukaemia survival
The introduction and use of chemoimmunotherapeutic agents such as rituximab, ofatumumab, and obinutuzumab has led to population-level improvements in survival from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), a recent study has found.
Chemoimmunotherapeutic agents boost lymphocytic leukaemia survival
14 Nov 2021Greater pain intensity, more pain sites predict nonrecovery from recent-onset low back pain
About a third of patients who present to an emergency department with recent-onset low back pain fail to recover within 12 months, with factors such as higher pain levels and more pain sites, among others, being prognostic of complete nonrecovery within 6 months, according to a study.
Greater pain intensity, more pain sites predict nonrecovery from recent-onset low back pain
13 Nov 2021Noncardiac surgeries up MI risk post-implantation of DES in ACS, SAP patients
In acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and stable angina pectoris (SAP) patients, undergoing surgery within a year after implantation of drug-eluting stent (DES) increases the risk of myocardial infarction (MI) and death, a recent study has found.