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Adjuvant pembrolizumab continues to improve DFS in clear cell RCC
In patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC), adjuvant pembrolizumab continues to improve disease-free survival (DFS) over placebo, according to extended follow-up of the phase III KEYNOTE-564 trial.
Adjuvant pembrolizumab continues to improve DFS in clear cell RCC
28 Sep 2022First-line, reduced-dose eribulin mesylate disappoints in older adults with metastatic breast cancer
Among older patients with metastatic breast cancer, first-line treatment with reduced-dose eribulin mesylate is reasonably safe but yields a low disease control rate, reports a recent phase II trial.
First-line, reduced-dose eribulin mesylate disappoints in older adults with metastatic breast cancer
27 Sep 2022Radical prostatectomy tied to higher survival than radiotherapy in prostate cancer
Treatment with radiotherapy appears to result in more all-cause or prostate cancer-specific mortality (PCSM) compared with radical prostatectomy (RP), suggests a study.
Radical prostatectomy tied to higher survival than radiotherapy in prostate cancer
27 Sep 2022Mammography uptake among Malay-Muslim women low, blamed on multilevel factors
Breast cancer screening behaviour among Malay-Muslim women in Singapore appears to hinge on multilevel factors that involve not only personal relationships but also their religious beliefs and screening facilities’ availability and access.