Neonatal Hypoglycaemia – What’s Known and What’s New
12 Mar 2020
byDr. Daniel Chan MBBS (Singapore), MMed (Paeds) (Singapore), MRCPCh, Assoc Prof. Daisy Kwai-Lin Chan MBBS (Singapore), M.Med (Paeds) (Singapore), FAMS
Hypoglycaemia is one of the most common clinical issues facing newborn
babies. It can be caused by abnormalities in the glycogen stores,
alternative substrates, and/or functioning enzymes. The definition of
neonatal hypoglycaemia itself remains challenging. Understanding normal
glucose physiology and biochemistry is important so that the
neonatologist can initiate appropriate investigations to elucidate an
aetiology and institute correct management. Early diagnosis and prompt
treatment of hypoglycaemia will reduce the risk of brain injury to the
developing child.