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Physical activity aids in recovery of cardiopulmonary function after lung cancer surgery
Physical activity aids in recovery of cardiopulmonary function after lung cancer surgery
16 Nov 2023

Cardiopulmonary function (CPF) recovery failure at 6 months after lung cancer surgery appears to be driven by reductions in lung function and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) from baseline to 2 weeks, suggests a study. Baseline PA and dyspnoea are also associated with the inability to recover CPF.

Physical activity aids in recovery of cardiopulmonary function after lung cancer surgery
16 Nov 2023
Tezepelumab cuts OCS use in OCS-dependent patients with severe asthma
Tezepelumab cuts OCS use in OCS-dependent patients with severe asthma
15 Nov 2023 byAudrey Abella

Patients with severe asthma who were dependent on oral corticosteroid (OCS) were able to reduce their use of maintenance OCS after treatment with the monoclonal antibody tezepelumab, according to findings from the interim analysis of the phase IIIb WAYFINDER trial.

Tezepelumab cuts OCS use in OCS-dependent patients with severe asthma
15 Nov 2023