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Prostate cancer genomic study shows disparity between Chinese and Caucasians with castration-sensitive disease
Prostate cancer genomic study shows disparity between Chinese and Caucasians with castration-sensitive disease
13 Dec 2022 byChristina Lau

A large genomic study involving 1,016 Chinese patients with prostate cancer has revealed important differences in castration-sensitive disease between Chinese and Caucasian patients, but the mutation profile of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) is similar between the populations.

Prostate cancer genomic study shows disparity between Chinese and Caucasians with castration-sensitive disease
13 Dec 2022
MDT without ADT delays systemic therapy initiation in recurrent prostate cancer
MDT without ADT delays systemic therapy initiation in recurrent prostate cancer
21 Nov 2022 byStephen Padilla

In patients with solitary metastatic recurrences of prostate cancer, metastasis-directed therapy (MDT without androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) can lead to delayed initiation of systemic therapy, according to a study.

MDT without ADT delays systemic therapy initiation in recurrent prostate cancer
21 Nov 2022
Cell-cycle progression tied to metastasis-free survival in high-risk prostate cancer
Cell-cycle progression tied to metastasis-free survival in high-risk prostate cancer
17 Nov 2022