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40 COVID-19 vaccines and counting: Do we still need more?
There are currently 40 approved vaccines against COVID-19, of which 11 have been granted Emergency Use Authorization by the World Health Organization. [] With over 300 other candidates in the development pipeline – over 100 of which are in clinical testing [] – are new vaccines necessary?
40 COVID-19 vaccines and counting: Do we still need more?
22 Jul 2022Ribociclib–binimetinib combo safe, effective in NRAS-mutant melanoma
Treatment with the combination of ribociclib plus binimetinib appears to be well tolerated and delivers modest clinical activity in patients with locally advanced or metastatic melanoma harbouring NRAS mutation, according to the results of a phase Ib/II study.
Ribociclib–binimetinib combo safe, effective in NRAS-mutant melanoma
22 Jul 2022Investigational nitric oxide gel for water warts scores high in phase III trial
A novel nitric oxide-releasing gel, berdazimer 10.3%, proves effective in the treatment of patients with water warts or molluscum contagiosum skin infection, facilitating clearance of lesions with low adverse event rates, as shown in the phase III B-SIMPLE4 trial.
Investigational nitric oxide gel for water warts scores high in phase III trial
21 Jul 20226-month secukinumab use improves outcomes in psoriatic arthritis
Real-world patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) who received and remained on secukinumab treatment for 6 months has attained minimal disease activity (MDA) and shown improvements in clinical manifestations, patient-reported outcomes, and work productivity at follow-up, reveals a study. The results are consistent with findings from clinical trials.
6-month secukinumab use improves outcomes in psoriatic arthritis
21 Jul 2022Tirzepatide beneficial for shedding pounds in obese adults
Once-weekly treatment with tirzepatide in adults with obesity appears to yield substantial and sustained reductions in body weight, according to the phase III SURMOUNT-1 trial.
Tirzepatide beneficial for shedding pounds in obese adults
21 Jul 2022Real-world studies demonstrate TAF efficacy and safety in chronic hep B
Treatment with tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) results in similar virological response compared with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) in treatment-naïve patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), according to a real-world study from Korea presented at ILC 2022.
Real-world studies demonstrate TAF efficacy and safety in chronic hep B
20 Jul 2022Cannabidiol shots safe but of no benefit in drug-resistant focal epilepsy
In the treatment of patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy, transdermally administered cannabidiol is well tolerated but is not superior to placebo in terms of reducing seizure frequency, according to a study.