News & Updates

Perampanel for idiopathic generalized epilepsy passes muster in real world
Perampanel for idiopathic generalized epilepsy passes muster in real world
05 May 2023
Sugary drinks raise dementia risk
Sugary drinks raise dementia risk
27 Apr 2023
AF screening tied to reduction in stroke risk in patients with high NT-proBNP
AF screening tied to reduction in stroke risk in patients with high NT-proBNP
26 Apr 2023
Biofeedback-virtual reality device beneficial in chronic migraine
Biofeedback-virtual reality device beneficial in chronic migraine
18 Apr 2023

For individuals with chronic migraine, frequent use of a portable biofeedback-virtual reality device leads to a decreased frequency of acute analgesic drug use and an improvement in depression, as shown in a pilot study.

Biofeedback-virtual reality device beneficial in chronic migraine
18 Apr 2023
IBD patients at higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease
IBD patients at higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease
13 Apr 2023

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) shows an independent relationship with the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with such association being stronger in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) than those with ulcerative colitis (UC), reveals a study.

IBD patients at higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease
13 Apr 2023
Exergaming improves neuronal activity and executive function in older adults with dementia
Exergaming improves neuronal activity and executive function in older adults with dementia
12 Apr 2023 byNatalia Reoutova

Findings of a small randomized trial in older adults with moderate dementia suggest that exergaming may be associated with greater improvements in brain neuronal activity and enhanced executive function task performance than regular aerobic exercise.

Exergaming improves neuronal activity and executive function in older adults with dementia
12 Apr 2023