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Behavioural therapy may improve physical activity, sleep quality in asthma patients
Behavioural therapy may improve physical activity, sleep quality in asthma patients
17 Jan 2023

Individuals with asthma may benefit from a behavioural intervention to increase their physical activity (PA), which may lead to improvements in quality of life and sleep, as well as a reduction in asthma and anxiety symptoms, suggest the results of a recent study.

Behavioural therapy may improve physical activity, sleep quality in asthma patients
17 Jan 2023
CVD, mood disorders up risk of dementia in RA patients
CVD, mood disorders up risk of dementia in RA patients
17 Jan 2023 byStephen Padilla

Among patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), those with clinically active RA, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease (CVD), hypertension, depression, and anxiety are at greater risk of dementia, reveals a study. Among CVD events, ischaemic stroke and heart failure are significantly associated with an increased dementia risk.

CVD, mood disorders up risk of dementia in RA patients
17 Jan 2023
5α-reductase inhibitor treatment implicated in dementia
5α-reductase inhibitor treatment implicated in dementia
05 Jan 2023

Men who are receiving treatment with 5α-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) are at increased risk of dementia in the immediate period after initiating treatment, a study has shown. Of note, both finasteride and dutasteride are associated with depression, but neither of them is linked to suicide.

5α-reductase inhibitor treatment implicated in dementia
05 Jan 2023