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What is the most preferred first-line agent for paediatric alopecia areata?
What is the most preferred first-line agent for paediatric alopecia areata?
25 May 2022 byStephen Padilla

In the treatment of paediatric alopecia areata (AA), an autoimmune, nonscarring hair loss disorder with a variable disease course and significant psychosocial impact, the most preferred first-line agent is topical corticosteroids, followed by contact immunotherapy, according to a study.

What is the most preferred first-line agent for paediatric alopecia areata?
25 May 2022
Lirentelimab shows promise in treatment-resistant chronic urticaria
Lirentelimab shows promise in treatment-resistant chronic urticaria
14 May 2022

In patients who suffer from antihistamine-resistant chronic urticaria (CU), lirentelimab seems to be effective at controlling the disease and reducing disease activity, reports a recent study.

Lirentelimab shows promise in treatment-resistant chronic urticaria
14 May 2022