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Biomarker-driven therapies superior to standard care in breast cancer
Biomarker-driven therapies superior to standard care in breast cancer
02 Nov 2023

Patients with breast cancer may gain greater therapeutic advantages from biomarker-driven than standard-of-care therapies, suggests a study.

Biomarker-driven therapies superior to standard care in breast cancer
02 Nov 2023
Histologic margin status predicts relapse in lentigo maligna melanoma
Histologic margin status predicts relapse in lentigo maligna melanoma
26 Oct 2023
First-line therapies for advanced NSCLC improve survival, QoL
First-line therapies for advanced NSCLC improve survival, QoL
16 Oct 2023

Clinical trials on first-line therapies for advanced or metastatic nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) from 2010 to 2020 have reported better survival and a steady improvement in quality of life (QoL) among patients, according to the results of a systematic review.

First-line therapies for advanced NSCLC improve survival, QoL
16 Oct 2023