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Through the lens of a Radiologist
Through the lens of a Radiologist
22 Mar 2023

Medical Protection represented a consultant neuroradiologist where it was alleged that Dr B negligently interpreted an MRI scan. Peter J Mordecai, claims manager at Medical Protection, explores the issues in this type of claim. Medical Protection acknowledges the contribution to this article from Raja, Darryl & Loh.

Through the lens of a Radiologist
22 Mar 2023
Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
21 Mar 2023

Patients with human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) infection may develop erectile dysfunction (ED), and time to progression to its severe form is significantly associated with the degree of neurologic compromise at baseline, reveals a study.

Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
21 Mar 2023
CBT, mindfulness help improve sexual outcomes in prostate cancer
CBT, mindfulness help improve sexual outcomes in prostate cancer
21 Mar 2023