News & Updates

Intensified systemic therapy with ADT improves outcomes in high-risk prostate cancer
Intensified systemic therapy with ADT improves outcomes in high-risk prostate cancer
27 Apr 2022

In patients with high-risk or unfavourable nonmetastatic prostate cancer (nmPC) receiving local definite therapy, the intensification of systemic therapy using chemotherapy or an androgen receptor signaling inhibitor (ARSI), in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), leads to better oncologic survival measures, reports a recent meta-analysis.

Intensified systemic therapy with ADT improves outcomes in high-risk prostate cancer
27 Apr 2022
Larger tumours tied to prostate cancer biochemical recurrence
Larger tumours tied to prostate cancer biochemical recurrence
22 Apr 2022

In patients with localized prostate cancer (PCa), higher tumour volume (TV) appears to cut biochemical recurrence-free survival short, a recent study has found.

Larger tumours tied to prostate cancer biochemical recurrence
22 Apr 2022
Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer ups dementia risk
Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer ups dementia risk
18 Apr 2022 byStephen Padilla

Adult men with prostate cancer who have increasing exposure to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) are at greater risk of dementia, according to a US study.

Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer ups dementia risk
18 Apr 2022
High-intensity training eases anxiety, stress in prostate cancer
High-intensity training eases anxiety, stress in prostate cancer
17 Apr 2022

A supervised high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program for 12 weeks leads to improvements in prostate cancer-specific anxiety, fear of cancer progression, hormone symptoms, stress, fatigue, and self-esteem in men on active surveillance, reports a study.

High-intensity training eases anxiety, stress in prostate cancer
17 Apr 2022
Erectile dysfunction common among men with anxiety
Erectile dysfunction common among men with anxiety
11 Apr 2022

Men with anxiety disorder commonly suffer from concomitant erectile dysfunction, according to a recent systematic review.

Erectile dysfunction common among men with anxiety
11 Apr 2022