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Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
21 Mar 2023

Patients with human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) infection may develop erectile dysfunction (ED), and time to progression to its severe form is significantly associated with the degree of neurologic compromise at baseline, reveals a study.

Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
21 Mar 2023
Telbivudine use during pregnancy safe, effective in HBsAG-positive mothers
Telbivudine use during pregnancy safe, effective in HBsAG-positive mothers
20 Mar 2023
Novel meningitis/encephalitis CSF testing shortens antiviral prescribing duration
Novel meningitis/encephalitis CSF testing shortens antiviral prescribing duration
16 Mar 2023

The duration of antiviral prescribing has become much shorter with the introduction of the Biofire Filmarray meningitis/encephalitis (M/E) panel, a study has shown. However, its influence on antibiotic prescribing or health services in a paediatric hospital is minimal.

Novel meningitis/encephalitis CSF testing shortens antiviral prescribing duration
16 Mar 2023
What are the signs of HSV infection in patients with pemphigus vulgaris?
What are the signs of HSV infection in patients with pemphigus vulgaris?
13 Mar 2023

Clinicians must be aware of the likelihood of infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the presence of fissures, haemorrhagic crusts, linear erosions, erosions with angulated margins, and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate among patients with pemphigus vulgaris, suggests a study.

What are the signs of HSV infection in patients with pemphigus vulgaris?
13 Mar 2023
Outpatient oritavancin reduces hospitalization in acute uncomplicated cellulitis
Outpatient oritavancin reduces hospitalization in acute uncomplicated cellulitis
13 Mar 2023

Outpatient oritavancin therapy for patients with acute uncomplicated cellulitis results in a decrease in 30-day hospital readmissions or admissions when compared with inpatient standard of care (SoC), a recent study has shown.

Outpatient oritavancin reduces hospitalization in acute uncomplicated cellulitis
13 Mar 2023