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Liver enzymes mediate association of particulate matter exposure with diabetes risk
Liver enzymes mediate association of particulate matter exposure with diabetes risk
19 Oct 2022

Liver enzymes play a partial role in the relationship between exposure to particulate matter (PM) and risk of diabetes, indicating the involvement of lipid accumulation, oxidative stress, and chronic inflammation in the liver in its pathogenesis, reports a recent study.

Liver enzymes mediate association of particulate matter exposure with diabetes risk
19 Oct 2022
Mitokine levels predict COPD outcomes
Mitokine levels predict COPD outcomes
19 Oct 2022

In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), mitokine levels are elevated and are associated with important clinical outcomes such as disease exacerbation and exercise capacity, a recent study has found.

Mitokine levels predict COPD outcomes
19 Oct 2022