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Hodgkin lymphoma incidence rising in Asia, HK tops global rise in males
Hodgkin lymphoma incidence rising in Asia, HK tops global rise in males
08 Jun 2022 byChristina Lau

The incidence of Hodgkin lymphoma has increased in the past decade, especially in Asian countries, females, and the younger population, a global study has shown.

Hodgkin lymphoma incidence rising in Asia, HK tops global rise in males
08 Jun 2022
Weight loss intervention may improve COPD symptoms
Weight loss intervention may improve COPD symptoms
07 Jun 2022
Microbiome-based therapy for recurrent CDI hits mark in patients with comorbidities
Microbiome-based therapy for recurrent CDI hits mark in patients with comorbidities
07 Jun 2022
Does IBS elevate long-term risk of cancer?
Does IBS elevate long-term risk of cancer?
07 Jun 2022 byStephen Padilla

People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are not at increased overall risk of cancer relative to the general population, reveals a study. On the contrary, those with IBS appear to have a lower risk of incident colorectal cancer (CRC) and cancer-specific mortality.

Does IBS elevate long-term risk of cancer?
07 Jun 2022
Frail women at risk of complications, repeat procedure after sling surgery
Frail women at risk of complications, repeat procedure after sling surgery
07 Jun 2022