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Very low HBsAg levels predict HBsAg loss, disease remission after therapy cessation
Following discontinuation of nucleot(s)ide analogue therapy, only about one-third of patients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B (CHB) achieve disease remission, with rare HBsAg loss, as reported in a study. The likelihood of HBsAg loss and disease remission is high in the presence of very low HBsAg levels at baseline.
Very low HBsAg levels predict HBsAg loss, disease remission after therapy cessation
04 Jun 2022
Losing weight may help control cardiovascular risk in T2D
Increasing bodyweight may aggravate cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), a recent Japan study has found.
Losing weight may help control cardiovascular risk in T2D
04 Jun 2022
Whey protein supplementation aids in blood sugar control in T2D
Drinking a little amount of whey protein before meals helps keep a lid on blood glucose levels of individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D), as shown in a study.
Whey protein supplementation aids in blood sugar control in T2D
03 Jun 2022
Statin use lowers all-cause mortality in colorectal cancer
Use of statins results in reduced all-cause mortality in nearly 30,000 veterans with colorectal cancer (CRC), results of a study have shown.