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Biologic, thiopurine, methotrexate for IBD not detrimental to fertility
Biologic, thiopurine, methotrexate for IBD not detrimental to fertility
26 Jul 2022

For male patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), treatment with biologic, thiopurine, or methotrexate does not appear to promote impairments in fertility or adverse pregnancy outcomes, according to a study.

Biologic, thiopurine, methotrexate for IBD not detrimental to fertility
26 Jul 2022
Sugar-sweetened drinks tied to increased liver cancer risk?
Sugar-sweetened drinks tied to increased liver cancer risk?
24 Jul 2022
Early mortality explains colorectal cancer survival gap between older, young patients
Early mortality explains colorectal cancer survival gap between older, young patients
20 Jul 2022

In patients with colorectal cancer (CRC), the survival gap between older and younger patient can largely be attributed to deaths during the first year after resection, a recent study has found.

Early mortality explains colorectal cancer survival gap between older, young patients
20 Jul 2022