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Investigational nitric oxide gel for water warts scores high in phase III trial
Investigational nitric oxide gel for water warts scores high in phase III trial
21 Jul 2022
Women hospitalized with COVID-19 suffer from menstrual changes, worse mental health
Women hospitalized with COVID-19 suffer from menstrual changes, worse mental health
21 Jul 2022

COVID-19 appears to alter the menstrual cycle and impair mental health in women hospitalized for the disease, a recent study has found.

Women hospitalized with COVID-19 suffer from menstrual changes, worse mental health
21 Jul 2022
Unexplained hepatitis outbreak in kids: Are COVID-19, adenovirus the triggers?
Unexplained hepatitis outbreak in kids: Are COVID-19, adenovirus the triggers?
19 Jul 2022 byElvira Manzano

Cases of acute, severe hepatitis of unknown aetiology in young children have increased recently and investigations are underway, says an expert during a media briefing at ILC 2022.

Unexplained hepatitis outbreak in kids: Are COVID-19, adenovirus the triggers?
19 Jul 2022
Hospitalization for COVID-19 shorter with dexamethasone vs methylprednisolone
Hospitalization for COVID-19 shorter with dexamethasone vs methylprednisolone
17 Jul 2022

In the treatment of COVID-19 inpatients, intravenous administration of dexamethasone leads to a shorter hospital stay compared with methylprednisolone, according to a study.

Hospitalization for COVID-19 shorter with dexamethasone vs methylprednisolone
17 Jul 2022
HCV ups kidney disease risk even after resolution
HCV ups kidney disease risk even after resolution
16 Jul 2022

Both resolved and chronic infections of hepatitis C virus (HCV) lead to a higher risk of developing kidney disease, a recent study has found. This effect is further pronounced in genotype 1 HCV.

HCV ups kidney disease risk even after resolution
16 Jul 2022
Monkeypox: Why the sudden concern?
Monkeypox: Why the sudden concern?
11 Jul 2022 byRoshini Claire Anthony

Just as the world adapts to a new normal after the COVID-19 pandemic, a new outbreak of a not-so-new virus has been making headlines. But why the sudden concern?

Monkeypox: Why the sudden concern?
11 Jul 2022
Systematic endotracheal aspiration cuts antibiotic use for ventilator-related pneumonia
Systematic endotracheal aspiration cuts antibiotic use for ventilator-related pneumonia
11 Jul 2022