News & Updates

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promising for T2DM complications
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promising for T2DM complications
10 Mar 2022
Severe hypoglycaemia raises risk of heart failure in adults with T2D
Severe hypoglycaemia raises risk of heart failure in adults with T2D
08 Mar 2022
Weight loss in T2D patients ups death risk, but lifestyle change can help
Weight loss in T2D patients ups death risk, but lifestyle change can help
06 Mar 2022

Mortality is heightened among type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients with substantial weight loss, but such risk can be attenuated by improving lifestyle quality, suggests a recent study.

Weight loss in T2D patients ups death risk, but lifestyle change can help
06 Mar 2022
Telehealth disappoints as mental health support for T1D during pandemic
Telehealth disappoints as mental health support for T1D during pandemic
06 Mar 2022
T2D risk elevated in thyroid cancer patients after thyroidectomy
T2D risk elevated in thyroid cancer patients after thyroidectomy
05 Mar 2022

Development of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is more likely to occur among patients with thyroid cancer who underwent thyroidectomy than matched controls, a Korea study has shown. In addition, a U-shaped dose-dependent relationship exists between the levothyroxine dosage and T2D risk.

T2D risk elevated in thyroid cancer patients after thyroidectomy
05 Mar 2022