News & Updates

Pituitary-targeting seliciclib shows promise in treatment of Cushing disease
Pituitary-targeting seliciclib shows promise in treatment of Cushing disease
15 Mar 2023
Add-on evolocumab improves plaque characteristics in statin-treated CAD patients
Add-on evolocumab improves plaque characteristics in statin-treated CAD patients
15 Mar 2023 byAudrey Abella

In individuals with stable coronary artery disease (CAD), intensifying their lipid-lowering regimen with evolocumab, a PCSK9* inhibitor, led to improvements in coronary plaque characteristics on intravascular imaging, findings from the YELLOW III trial have shown.

Add-on evolocumab improves plaque characteristics in statin-treated CAD patients
15 Mar 2023
Looking on the bright side helps with poststroke recovery
Looking on the bright side helps with poststroke recovery
14 Mar 2023 byJairia Dela Cruz

When it comes to functional recovery after stroke, the adage “always look on the bright side” appears to be true, with a recent study providing evidence that optimism is associated with better recovery.

Looking on the bright side helps with poststroke recovery
14 Mar 2023