News & Updates

Osteoporosis drug holidays tied to small rise in hip fracture risk
Osteoporosis drug holidays tied to small rise in hip fracture risk
21 Jan 2022

The risk for hip fracture slightly increases following osteoporosis drug holidays after long-term therapy with risedronate compared with alendronate, a study has found, adding that future research must examine how best to lessen such risk.

Osteoporosis drug holidays tied to small rise in hip fracture risk
21 Jan 2022
Are pregnant women with rheumatic disease at risk of poor COVID-19 outcomes?
Are pregnant women with rheumatic disease at risk of poor COVID-19 outcomes?
20 Jan 2022
Anxiety, depressive symptoms in JIA tied to pain, stress
Anxiety, depressive symptoms in JIA tied to pain, stress
19 Jan 2022

Moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and depression have been reported in about one-fourth of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), according to a study. Such symptoms are associated with pain and stress, but not with other disease manifestations.

Anxiety, depressive symptoms in JIA tied to pain, stress
19 Jan 2022
Add-on duloxetine exerts null effect on chronic osteoarthritis pain
Add-on duloxetine exerts null effect on chronic osteoarthritis pain
12 Jan 2022
COVID-19 vaccines safe for patients with rheumatic, musculoskeletal disease
COVID-19 vaccines safe for patients with rheumatic, musculoskeletal disease
11 Jan 2022

Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 has a safety profile that is similar in patients with inflammatory/autoimmune rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease (I-RMD) and those with noninflammatory RMD (NI-RMD), according to a study. The vaccines are well tolerated with rare reports of I-RMD flare and serious adverse events.

COVID-19 vaccines safe for patients with rheumatic, musculoskeletal disease
11 Jan 2022