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RS-RARP confers better continence outcomes than conventional RARP
RS-RARP confers better continence outcomes than conventional RARP
03 Nov 2021

In prostate cancer patients, retzius-sparing robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (RS-RARP) yields better continence outcomes compared with conventional RARP, a recent study has found.

RS-RARP confers better continence outcomes than conventional RARP
03 Nov 2021
Depression negatively affects semen quality
Depression negatively affects semen quality
23 Oct 2021

Men with depression appear to have poor semen quality parameters, including volume, concentration, count, and motility, a study has found. Furthermore, the association between depression and semen quality does not seem to be mediated by oxidative stress.

Depression negatively affects semen quality
23 Oct 2021