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How to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from influenza and bacterial pneumonia on CT?
How to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from influenza and bacterial pneumonia on CT?
28 Mar 2023 byKanas Chan

Arched bridge and/or vacuole signs on CT may support a diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia and assist in differentiation from influenza and bacterial pneumonia, a retrospective study by the Chinese University of Hong Kong has revealed. 

How to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from influenza and bacterial pneumonia on CT?
28 Mar 2023
CAB+RPV LA vs B/FTC/TAF for HIV: Which is better?
CAB+RPV LA vs B/FTC/TAF for HIV: Which is better?
27 Mar 2023 byAudrey Abella

In virologically suppressed adults with HIV, the cabotegravir + rilpivirine long-acting (CAB+RPV LA) regimen was on par with bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/FTC/TAF) in terms of virologic efficacy, but the former gained the upper hand over the latter in terms of patient satisfaction and preference, the SOLAR* study reports.

CAB+RPV LA vs B/FTC/TAF for HIV: Which is better?
27 Mar 2023
Full anticoagulation dosing confers survival advantage in hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Full anticoagulation dosing confers survival advantage in hospitalized COVID-19 patients
23 Mar 2023 byJairia Dela Cruz

A full, therapeutic dosing of anticoagulation flops for reducing the incidence of overall combined outcomes in noncritically ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19 as compared with prophylactic dosing, although there is a signal of benefit for mortality and disease progression with the therapeutic dosing, as shown in the FREEDOM COVID trial presented at ACC.23/WCC.

Full anticoagulation dosing confers survival advantage in hospitalized COVID-19 patients
23 Mar 2023
Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
21 Mar 2023

Patients with human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) infection may develop erectile dysfunction (ED), and time to progression to its severe form is significantly associated with the degree of neurologic compromise at baseline, reveals a study.

Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
21 Mar 2023
Telbivudine use during pregnancy safe, effective in HBsAG-positive mothers
Telbivudine use during pregnancy safe, effective in HBsAG-positive mothers
20 Mar 2023