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TB rates elevated after ART initiation in PLHIV
TB rates elevated after ART initiation in PLHIV
21 Nov 2022 byRoshini Claire Anthony

People living with HIV (PLHIV) who initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) are at an increased risk of developing tuberculosis (TB), particularly in the first 3 months after starting ART, according to a study presented at HIV Glasgow 2022.

TB rates elevated after ART initiation in PLHIV
21 Nov 2022
COVID-19 vaccine for children below 5 years: most parents still hesitant
COVID-19 vaccine for children below 5 years: most parents still hesitant
10 Nov 2022 byAudrey Abella

Widespread hesitancy around COVID-19 vaccination in children below 5 years does exist, even among parents showing preference for vaccinating their child in this age group, a US study suggests.

COVID-19 vaccine for children below 5 years: most parents still hesitant
10 Nov 2022