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Pembrolizumab well tolerated, effective in NSCLC with autoimmune disease
Pembrolizumab well tolerated, effective in NSCLC with autoimmune disease
25 Jun 2023

Use of pembrolizumab is well tolerated in nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with previous autoimmune diseases, with a nonsignificant trend toward improved outcomes, reports a study.

Pembrolizumab well tolerated, effective in NSCLC with autoimmune disease
25 Jun 2023
New-onset vs long-standing diabetes tied to higher pancreatic cancer risk
New-onset vs long-standing diabetes tied to higher pancreatic cancer risk
19 Jun 2023

People with diabetes mellitus (DM) have a higher risk of pancreatic cancer than those without DM, reveals a recent study. Among diabetic individuals, those with new-onset DM show a greater pancreatic cancer risk than those with long-standing DM.

New-onset vs long-standing diabetes tied to higher pancreatic cancer risk
19 Jun 2023