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1 week off methotrexate works okay for RA patients receiving flu shot
1 week off methotrexate works okay for RA patients receiving flu shot
11 Aug 2022
Coronavirus surrogates may stay on meat, fish in cold storage for up to a month
Coronavirus surrogates may stay on meat, fish in cold storage for up to a month
10 Aug 2022 byAudrey Abella

Surrogates of SARS-CoV-2* – a lipid enveloped RNA bacteriophage (Phi6) and two animal coronaviruses (CoVs; MHV and TGEV**) – survived in cold-storage temperatures for 30 days, a study finds, highlighting the risk of viral survival on food products and potential transmission on humans upon consumption.

Coronavirus surrogates may stay on meat, fish in cold storage for up to a month
10 Aug 2022