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Sabizabulin for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer clears phase early trial
10 Jul 2022
The oral cytoskeleton disruptor sabizabulin shows antitumour activity in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, while having a favourable safety profile, as shown in the results of a phase Ib/II trial.
Sabizabulin for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer clears phase early trial
10 Jul 2022Tear film breakup time tied to choroidal thickness, axial length in kids with DED
09 Jul 2022
In children with dry eye disease (DED) symptoms, there appears to be a significant association between tear film breakup time and choroidal thickness, which in turn is correlated with axial length, a recent study has found.
Tear film breakup time tied to choroidal thickness, axial length in kids with DED
09 Jul 2022Diabetes, excess weight up risk of COVID-19 in pregnancy
09 Jul 2022
Diabetes mellitus and overweight or obesity appear to increase susceptibility to COVID-19 among pregnant women, with insulin-dependent gestational diabetes mellitus being associated with the disease, according to data from INTERCOVID.