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FLT3 inhibitor improves survival in patients with FLT3+ acute myeloid leukaemia
FLT3 inhibitor improves survival in patients with FLT3+ acute myeloid leukaemia
23 Aug 2022

Patients diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia with an FLT3 mutation (FLT3+ AML) may benefit from the addition of an FLT3 inhibitor to intensive chemotherapy postinduction by improving event-free (EFS) or overall survival (OS), suggests a study.

FLT3 inhibitor improves survival in patients with FLT3+ acute myeloid leukaemia
23 Aug 2022
Live birth after breast cancer may improve overall survival
Live birth after breast cancer may improve overall survival
22 Aug 2022 byRoshini Claire Anthony

Women who become pregnant and have a live birth following a diagnosis of breast cancer may have better overall survival (OS) outcomes than those without live births post-cancer, according to a study presented at ESHRE 2022.

Live birth after breast cancer may improve overall survival
22 Aug 2022