Prenatal Counselling of Birth Defects by the Neonatologist
08 Mar 2021
byDr. Carly Yanlin Wu MBBS (Singapore); Assoc Prof. Daisy Kwai-Lin Chan MBBS (Singapore), M.Med (Paeds) (Singapore), FAMS
Birth defects, also known as congenital anomalies, are abnormalities of body structure at birth which can lead to impaired function and physical disabilities. Children with birth defects may also have developmental or intellectual disabilities later on in life. These congenital anomalies can be major or minor in nature. The National Centre on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities in the US has defined major anomalies as anomalies with significant impact on the affected child that may require medical or surgical intervention, and minor anomalies as those having little impact on the affected child and requiring minimal intervention.1