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4 anti-obesity meds: AGA top picks
4 anti-obesity meds: AGA top picks
01 Nov 2022 byElvira Manzano

Obese adults with weight-related complications who do not respond adequately to lifestyle interventions should be offered one of four anti-obesity medications, according to the new clinical practice guideline on pharmacological interventions released by the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA).

4 anti-obesity meds: AGA top picks
01 Nov 2022
Nelonemdaz safe but fails to improve outcomes in stroke
Nelonemdaz safe but fails to improve outcomes in stroke
01 Nov 2022

Treatment with nelonemdaz, a multitarget neuroprotectant that selectively blocks N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and scavenges free radicals, does not appear to significantly improve stroke outcomes as compared with placebo, although nelonemdaz-treated patients show a greater tendency toward achieving modified Rankin Scale scores of 0–2 at 12 weeks, according to the results of a phase II study.

Nelonemdaz safe but fails to improve outcomes in stroke
01 Nov 2022
Extending letrozole treatment beyond 5 days induces ovulation in certain PCOS patients
Extending letrozole treatment beyond 5 days induces ovulation in certain PCOS patients
31 Oct 2022 byJairia Dela Cruz

For women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), if a 5-day letrozole regimen for ovulation induction does not work, extending the duration of treatment may do the job, as shown in a study.

Extending letrozole treatment beyond 5 days induces ovulation in certain PCOS patients
31 Oct 2022
Carbapenem-sparing cephamycins effective in E coli-induced UTI
Carbapenem-sparing cephamycins effective in E coli-induced UTI
28 Oct 2022 byJairia Dela Cruz

Cefmetazole and cefoxitin prove to be effective in the treatment of patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs) due to extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)–producing Escherichia coli, according to two separate studies presented at IDWeek 2022.

Carbapenem-sparing cephamycins effective in E coli-induced UTI
28 Oct 2022