Tin tức & Cập nhật

Men with PsA derive more benefit from MTX+ETN therapy than women
Men with PsA derive more benefit from MTX+ETN therapy than women
09 Aug 2022
Transfusion may improve survival in older anaemic patients with myocardial injury
Transfusion may improve survival in older anaemic patients with myocardial injury
09 Aug 2022

Blood transfusion appears to result in better 30-day outcomes in older anaemic patients with anaemia-related myocardial injury, according to a study. Hence, troponin levels may be included in decision-making relative to transfusion in this population.

Transfusion may improve survival in older anaemic patients with myocardial injury
09 Aug 2022
Cured meat may be carcinogenic in Asian women
Cured meat may be carcinogenic in Asian women
09 Aug 2022