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Pandemic interventions help lessen invasive bacterial infections in children
Pandemic interventions help lessen invasive bacterial infections in children
07 Feb 2022 byStephen Padilla

The implementation of nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) during the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly reduced the incidences of S. pneumoniae and Salmonella spp. among nine major pathogens of invasive bacterial infection (IBI) in children, reports a study.

Pandemic interventions help lessen invasive bacterial infections in children
07 Feb 2022
Patient ethnicity, HBV genotype predict functional cure after therapy withdrawal
Patient ethnicity, HBV genotype predict functional cure after therapy withdrawal
06 Feb 2022

The chances of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) loss after withdrawing nucleo(s)tide analogue (NUC) treatment depend on factors such as patient ethnicity, end-of-treatment antigen levels, and HBV genotype, a new study reports.

Patient ethnicity, HBV genotype predict functional cure after therapy withdrawal
06 Feb 2022
Wearing of face masks does not make people complacent about social distancing
Wearing of face masks does not make people complacent about social distancing
06 Feb 2022

The use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic does not reduce compliance to social distancing or other public health control measures, a recent study has found.

Wearing of face masks does not make people complacent about social distancing
06 Feb 2022
Hepatitis E virus resistant to alcohol-based disinfectants
Hepatitis E virus resistant to alcohol-based disinfectants
06 Feb 2022
Systemic inflammation mediates obesity-related severe COVID-19
Systemic inflammation mediates obesity-related severe COVID-19
04 Feb 2022 byStephen Padilla

Systemic inflammation plays a significant role in severe COVID-19 associated with obesity, particularly in patients aged <65 years, as captured by peak C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), a study has found.

Systemic inflammation mediates obesity-related severe COVID-19
04 Feb 2022
Quercetin augments therapeutic benefit of antivirals for COVID-19
Quercetin augments therapeutic benefit of antivirals for COVID-19
03 Feb 2022 byAudrey Abella

In patients hospitalized for severe COVID-19, adding the plant flavonoid quercetin to the antiviral drugs remdesivir or favipiravir reduced hospitalization period and levels of inflammatory markers related to the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2, thus preventing the progression of the disease into its critical phase, suggests an open-label study from Iran.

Quercetin augments therapeutic benefit of antivirals for COVID-19
03 Feb 2022