Endometriosis Management

Last updated: 10 June 2024

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Principles of therapy

The short-term objectives in treating endometriosis are decreasing pain and enhancing fertility. The long-term goal is to prevent progression or recurrence.

Medical management of infertile patients with minimal and mild endometriosis should not be offered since it does not improve fertility. No studies have shown the benefits of one medical therapy over another when treating pain due to endometriosis.

Eighty to ninety percent of patients will have some improvement in symptoms with medical therapy; however, there is a recurrence rate of 5-15% in the first year and 40-50% in the fifth year.

Due to the chronic nature of the condition, medical therapy should be safe and effective to use until pregnancy is desired or until menopause. Patients with persistent symptoms after medical therapy should be referred for a laparoscopy. The severity of symptoms does not match with the degree of endometriosis. 

Pharmacological therapy

First-line Therapeutic Options

Combined Oral Contraceptives (COCs)1  

Combined estrogen and progestin oral contraceptives are considered the first-line treatment for pelvic pain secondary to endometriosis. It decreases dysmenorrhea, non-menstrual pain, and endometriosis-related dyspareunia and is considered a good choice for women with minimal or mild symptoms.

It induces decidualization and subsequent atrophy of endometrial tissue by suppression of ovarian function. Low-estrogen combination pill with relatively high progestin is given to induce amenorrhea and “pseudopregnancy”.

It may be administered cyclically with 7 days of placebo pills between cycles or may be taken continuously. Better pain relief may be achieved with continuous therapy since menses, withdrawal bleeding, and associated pain are prevented. Withdrawal of pills every month that causes cyclic menstrual bleeding may be associated with some retrograde spill of blood that contains cytokines and other inflammatory chemicals. This administration may decrease 80% of the symptoms of patients during therapy.

It provides contraception and has a low rate of side effects (eg weight gain, breast tenderness). No oral contraceptive combination has been shown to be more effective than another.

1Various combinations of estrogen and progestogens are available. Please see the latest MIMS for specific formulations.  


Progestins are used for treating chronic pain in patients with endometriosis. It is considered the first choice for the treatment of endometriosis due to its effective reduction in ASRM scores and pain, with lower cost and side effects as compared to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs and Danazol. It shows that >80% of patients have partial or complete relief.

It inhibits endometriotic tissue growth by directly causing initial decidualization and eventual atrophy. It also inhibits pituitary gonadotropin secretion and ovarian hormone production.

Dienogest is a progestin with selective 19-nortestosterone and progesterone activity. It has the same effectiveness as GnRH agonist therapy in relieving endometriosis-associated pelvic pain as shown in clinical trials and in the treatment of deep infiltrating endometriosis. It may be an effective option in long-term treatment of endometriosis.

Depot Medroxyprogesterone acetate may alleviate pelvic pain low treatment cost. It may be best indicated for patients with no issues regarding future conception and irregular uterine bleeding and has remaining endometriosis after hysterectomy with or without bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. It is not an option for women who desire pregnancy in the near future as it delays the resumption of ovulation and for long-term use as it may have negative effects on bone mineral density (BMD).

Norethindrone acetate is approved for continuous use in treating endometriosis. It relieves dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain. It may cause breakthrough bleeding in some patients but is likely to have a positive effect on calcium metabolism maintaining a good BMD.

Second-line Therapeutic Options

Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Agonists

GnRH agonists are recommended for patients who failed to respond to combined oral contraceptives or progestins or who have symptom recurrence after initial improvement. It is very effective in alleviating endometriosis-associated pelvic pain but is not superior to other therapeutic options. It may induce hypoestrogenism that inactivates pelvic lesions and resolves pelvic pain.

Monotherapy with GnRH agonist may result in symptoms secondary to estrogen deficiency (eg hot flushes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, loss of BMD, breakthrough bleeding in the first month of therapy, irritability, fatigue, and skin problems). Hence, GnRH agonists may be given add-back therapy which can be started immediately.

In estrogen and progestin add-back therapy, the concentration of serum estrogen is low enough to cause endometriosis but high enough to prevent hypoestrogenic symptoms. The addition of add-back therapy lessens or eliminates GnRH agonist-induced bone mineral loss and is also useful in relieving symptoms without affecting the efficacy of GnRH agonist. Add-back regimens (eg sex steroid hormones or other specific bone-sparing agents) are recommended in women who will undergo >6 months of GnRH agonist therapy.

GnRH agonists should be given with caution in young women and adolescents since they may not have reached their maximum bone density. Daily calcium supplementation (1,000 mg) is advised in patients using GnRH agonists with add-back therapy.

GnRH Receptor Antagonist
Example drug: Elagolix  

GnRH receptor antagonists are indicated in patients with moderate to severe pain associated with endometriosis. It is an oral, non-peptide, small molecule GnRH receptor antagonist that can dose-dependently suppress luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone FSH, estradiol and progesterone secretion.

In comparison to GnRH agonists, its dose can be titrated to obtain a nearly full or partial hormonal suppression. It causes a dose- and duration-dependent reduction in BMD. It is therefore vital to assess the patient’s BMD if the patient has risk factors for bone loss and limit treatment duration to decrease bone loss. Advise the patient to take adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D.

Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System (LNG-IUS)

Levonorgestrel is a 19-nortestosterone-derived progestin that has effective anti-estrogenic effects on the endometrium. It causes atrophic endometrium and amenorrhea in up to 60% of patients without affecting ovulation.

LND-IUS provides continuous therapy for five years and has lesser systemic side effects. It may be a good option for rectovaginal endometriosis, and it reduces dysmenorrhea, non-menstrual pelvic pain, deep dyspareunia, and dyschezia. It may have a 5% expulsion rate, a 1.5% risk for pelvic infection, and an increased risk for ovarian endometrioma.


Danazol is effective in resolving implants when treating mild or moderate stages of the disease. It is a synthetic isoxazole derivative of ethisterone which inhibits pituitary gonadotropin secretion, endometriotic implant growth, and ovarian enzymes responsible for estrogen production. It has immunologic effects like decreasing serum immunoglobulins, auto-antibodies, and CA-125 levels, increasing serum C4, and inhibiting interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) production.

It causes high androgen and low estrogen levels, and amenorrhea, and prevents new seeding of implants from the uterus into the peritoneal cavity. More than 80% of patients experience relief or improvement of pain symptoms within two months of treatment with beneficial effects lasting up to six months after stopping it. Nevertheless, large endometriotic cysts and adhesions do not respond well to Danazol.

Its use is limited by the occurrence of androgenic side effects (eg weight gain, acne, hirsutism, breast atrophy, and rarely virilization) and adverse effects on blood lipid levels. It should be used if other medical therapies are unavailable and should be given in low doses or via the vaginal route. It should not be used long term. A small study showed an increased risk for ovarian cancer in endometriosis patients treated with Danazol.

Aromatase Inhibitors

Aromatase inhibitors work by decreasing the local estradiol production thus lessening lesion growth. It can reduce pain from rectovaginal endometriosis when combined with oral contraceptives, progestogens, or GnRH analogs.

It should only be given to women refractory to medical or surgical treatment due to severe side effects (eg hot flushes, vaginal dryness, decreased BMD, arthralgia). Studies show a lack of evidence on long-term effects.

Supportive Therapy

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs cause central inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, local anti-nociceptive effects, and anti-inflammatory effects. They are frequently given as initial treatment to women with pelvic pain where the diagnosis of endometriosis is still uncertain. It may also be given to patients to provide analgesia until primary medical management becomes effective. 


Surgery is recommended in some circumstances to confirm the diagnosis and provide treatment to achieve pain relief or improve fertility (ie “see and treat”). It should only be done in women with endometriosis-related pain after medical treatment has failed. 

It may improve fertility as the patient benefits from the mechanical clearance of adhesions and obstructive lesions. 

Please see Infertility disease management chart for further information.

The following are indications of surgical management:

  • Symptoms are severe, incapacitating, or acute (eg acute adnexal torsion or rupture of ovarian cyst)
  • Symptoms have failed to resolve or have worsened under medical management
  • With advanced disease or invasive disease that affected the bowel, ureters, bladder, or pelvic nerves
  • Anatomic distortion of the pelvic organs, endometriotic cysts, or obstruction of the bowel or urinary tract
  • Patient declines or has contraindications to medical treatment
  • Endometriosis-related infertility, pain, or pelvic mass
  • Treatment for postmenopausal endometriosis

It may be performed by laparoscopy or laparotomy, although laparoscopy is preferred over laparotomy for the treatment of endometriosis-related infertility. After surgery, the median time for pain recurrence is 20 months.

Surgical management may be classified as “conservative” or “definitive” surgery. 

Conservative Surgery

Conservative surgery preserves the uterus and as much ovarian tissue as possible. It is performed in women of reproductive age, those who wish to get pregnant, or those who wish to avoid menopausal induction at an early age.

It includes removal of macroscopic endometrial tissue, lysis of adhesions, and repair of normal anatomy. A high recurrence rate (80-100%) is noted after six months of drainage of endometriomas.

The excision of endometriomas provides better pain relief, decreased recurrence rate, a histopathological diagnosis, and improves the chances of pregnancy. Women with >3 cm ovarian endometriomas and with pelvic pain should be advised to undergo excision of endometrioma.

Surgical ablation or resection of endometriosis plus laparoscopic adhesiolysis should be offered to patients with minimal or mild endometriosis who will undergo laparoscopy to improve the chances of pregnancy. Operative laparoscopy in patients with severe endometriosis increases spontaneous pregnancy rates.

Laser Uterosacral Nerve Ablation (LUNA)  

LUNA reduces the pain of minimal to moderate endometriosis. It works by disrupting the efferent nerve to reduce uterine pain. It is not performed as an additional procedure to conservative surgery for pain reduction as randomized controlled trials (RCTs) showed no additional benefit.

Presacral Neurectomy

Although rarely indicated, presacral neurectomy may be helpful in decreasing midline pain (eg dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia) but not in other pelvic areas. It may be considered as an adjunct to surgical management of endometriosis-related pelvic pain.

Tubal Flushing

Studies have shown that flushing of fallopian tubes using oil-soluble media may increase the chances of pregnancy.

Definitive Surgery


In women with ovarian endometrioma, cystectomy rather than drainage and coagulation or carbon dioxide (CO2) laser vaporization should be performed.


Hysterectomy with or without removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries may be done on patients with endometriosis. Case series studies have shown that 80-90% of women who failed with medical or surgical management experienced pain relief after hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; however, recurrence of pain was noted within one to two years in 10% of women.

It may be an option for patients with intractable pain despite conservative treatment, severe disease, and if childbearing is no longer desired.   In young women who underwent total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAHBSO), hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) is recommended. Combined hormone therapy (estrogen and progestin) or Tibolone may be given.

Combined Medical and Surgical Therapy

Combination therapy wherein medical therapy is given before and/or after surgery is also an option for endometriosis.

Hormonal suppression may be given prior to surgery in hopes of decreasing the size of endometriotic implants thereby reducing the extent of the surgery required. In cases where complete removal of implants is not possible or advisable, post-op medical therapy may be used to treat residual disease and delay its recurrence.

A randomized controlled trial study showed a reduction in recurrence with post-op use of combined oral contraceptives. LNG-IUS implanted after surgery showed a major decrease in recurrence (10%) of moderate to severe dysmenorrhea after one year. Progestin, Danazol, or GnRH analogs may be used in conjunction with laparotomy or laparoscopic conservative or definitive surgical treatment.

It is not recommended to prescribe preoperative or adjunctive hormonal therapy after surgery for the treatment of pain as it does not improve the surgery’s outcome for pain.