High-performance dialyzers deliver better survival in haemodialysis patients

15 Jun 2021
The private sector’s support is needed to provide dialysis treatment for kidney patients.The private sector’s support is needed to provide dialysis treatment for kidney patients.

High-performance dialyzers improve survival in patients on maintenance haemodialysis, a recent study has found.

Drawing 2008 and 2009 data from the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy Renal Data Registry, the researchers conducted a nationwide cohort study including 203,008 patients (mean age 65.3±12.5 years, 38.9 percent women) on maintenance haemodialysis. One-year all-cause mortality rates were compared across five dialyzer types: type I, II, III, IV, and V, with β2-microglobulin (β2MG) clearance rates of <10, <30, <50, <70, and ≥70 mL/min, respectively.

Using type IV as the reference, the researchers found that the 1-year risk of all-cause death was nearly thrice as high in patients on type I dialyzers; type II and III dialyzers likewise led to excess mortality risks. Type V dialyzers, the highest-performing type, reduced this risk by 40 percent. Adjusting for clinicodynamic factors did not substantially alter the findings.

Notably, after additional controls for β2MG and nutrition- and inflammation-related factors, types II and III dialyzers conferred statistically comparable 1-year death risks as the type IV reference. Type I remained a significant risk factor (hazard ratio [HR], 1.244, 95 percent confidence interval [CI], 1.046–1.442), while type V was still significantly protective (HR, 0.878, 95 percent CI, 0.811–0.951).

High-performance dialyzers also continued to reduce 1-year mortality rates even after propensity score matching.

“Our findings provide evidence that treatment with high-performance membrane or super high-flux dialyzers has beneficial effects on haemodialysis patients and highlight the need to consider the use of these dialyzers in haemodialysis patients,” the researchers said.

Sci Rep 2021;11:12272